Micro hydropower case studies

Jeffe Aronson of Australia has sent these photo's of his low head microhydroplant. He wrote:

"Below is a rough drawing of our system. Can anyone tell us what type it is? (reaction, pelton, etc.)?
Also, this drawing goes with the enclosed photos and we’re wondering how to improve the debris screening for small sticks and leaf litter. Getting to the blades through the inspection port is difficult and dangerous in cold water floods where the water is above the hole. (It can go all the way up to the butterfly valve). The whole unit is about 1.5 meters high. Diameter of hydro and intake is 300 mm.
Also, might the space between the fixed and rotating blades matter in terms of power? It is small, a couple of mm, but should it  maybe be more, or just touching? (it seems to be a touch more self cleaning with some space…)

(download drawing as Corel image)

More information on hydropower at the microhydro webportal
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